Candice is a Life & Business Coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist and Learning & Development Specialist. She helps people acknowledge their incredible strengths and talents so that they can be free to live into their full potential with purpose, contentment and deep self-love.
Feeling out of control, feeling less joyous, feeling restricted, feeling insincere, feeling trapped, feeling heavy, feeling less than, feeling that you don’t belong and feeling discontented and disconnected are not uncommon feelings at all! Often, we start to believe that these feelings are our reality and our forever more.
We cannot change how our stories began, however we can change how they will end. We can also change our beliefs, our values and the rules that we attach to these beliefs and values. We cannot control all aspects of our lives or all the events that unfold in our lives, however we CAN control our thoughts and by doing this we can unburden ourselves and this gives way to the most healing, liberating and transformative process – living a life of purpose, intention and meaning.
All of this can be done through deep, powerful, profound understanding.
What is RTT and how does it work?
To find out more about services or book a free call.